TOPPrivacy Policy

Information Security

In order to supply products and services that contribute to society and to pursue business development, it is essential to conduct business activities that protect personal information to gain customer trust. To comply with the laws and guidelines concerning personal information, we have set forth personal information protection policies as follows and will execute.

September, 2017
Shinko Nameplate Co.Ltd
President and Chief Executive Director Akiyama Naoki

Proper use of
personal information

Dealing with personal information, we will specify the purpose as much as possible. In addition, we will not deal with any personal information beyond the range necessary for the purpose of use except when we have the customer's consent beforehand or it is permitted by law.

Personal information Policy

To protect personal information properly, we will enforce the following.

(1)Obtaining personal information
We will obtain personal information only for our purpose to achieve necessary work.
1. To supply, guide, protect our products and serivices,
2. Managing human resource, labor, welfare
3. Recruiting employees
We may entrust personal information to subcontractors for better service for our customers. We will arrange necessary measures to subcontractors to manage and protect personal information.
(2)Use of personal information
We will not handle any personal information collected beyond the range necessary for the specified purpose and will take measures for it.
(3)Providing personal information
Unlesss entrusted by the subcontractor,we will not provide personal information to outsiders without consent.
(4)We will comply with national laws regarding personal information.
(5)To protect accurate and safe personal information we will take measures for loss and leakage.
(6)We will constantly establish and improve management systems regarding personal information.
(7)We will answer properly to complaints and consolations concerning personal information. For inquiries about your own personal information, contact us from the address below.

Inquiries regarding personal

Shinko Nameplate Co., Ltd.
Head Office: Administration, General Affairs Department